Hello World, I am

Beatriz Bernardo

born in Portugal, but living in the World! ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ

This are some of my projects for frontend development. Check it out!

Datsun For Life

SheCodes Project first level.
This project was build just with HTML, styling and bootstrap. This was my first project and I made it about one things I love the most: Datsun's.
Last, I deployed it on netlify where you can access wherever you are!

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Weather Javascript

The second part of SheCodes Workshop is working with Javascript.
This project is an integration between HTML, CSS, bootstrap, Javascript and API.
I did use an open source API for this website.
It's fully operational and was so funny of develop.

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Weather React

โ€ŽThis project is the same like the above one.
The only different between them is that this was build with React.
It was used HTML, CSS and API connection to an open source API.
Without the cities list and the change of the image, because is to advance for this project, but definitly features that with time will appear here.

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Web Dictionary

โ€ŽThis is the second project for React Workshop from SheCodes.
Using HTML, CSS, bootstrap and React, I was able to develop a website about dictionaries.
The API source that was used, it was so great that I did with more languages other than English.
Check it out!

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